Tech Networks of Boston | Blog

Why “Planning” is So Popular

Written by Kalman | Dec 30, 2013 4:33:13 PM

According to an NTEN report, mentioned here in a previous blog post, only 5% of organizations who struggle with their IT have a separate IT budget.  Among non-profits who excel at integrating IT with their mission, 40% have a separate IT budget.

These same successful NPOs enjoy more efficient operations and more effective fundraisers. You can see complete details and analysis of this report online at

Tech Networks is a strong advocate of planning. Our TechPlan model is designed for NPOs without internal IT staff and we are committed to making sure they do not get stuck in the frantic and frustrating “just-fix-it” mode.

Tech Network’s new approach to planning puts the client in charge by assembling a team comprised of members of client organization and TNB staff.