Planning for an Office Move

There are many reasons to move office buildings. Sometimes you need more or less space, want a better location, or are even opening a new office in addition to the one you currently have. Moving can be one of the most stressful events in a person's life, and moving office space is equally difficult. We've put together a list of things to consider regarding IT when you plan an office move.

Include your IT team early
When a business considers moving offices the first thought isn't usually "we need to include IT on this." While many stakeholders need to be involved in such a big decision, your IT team should always be included. Before you make the move, you should ask your IT team to visit the new location to determine network requirements. You'll also want to keep your internet, phone, and other technology providers in the loop ahead of your official move date.

Take inventory
While it is probably not necessary to completely overhaul your equipment, it is important to assess your current technology and see what should be replaced. Some things may be older, leased equipment may need to be returned, or you may need to properly get rid of technology you won't be taking with you. Your IT team can help you determine these things so you're prepared for any changes or purchases you'll need to make.

Plan your layout
When you first visited your new space you probably had a vision of what it would look like. However, moving offices requires more than determining where team members sit. Your IT team can help you assess your server room, determine where networking equipment should go, and help set you up for success.

Prepare to go offline
Transferring your technology to a new space isn't as simple as shutting down a machine and powering up after you move. It requires technical knowledge and care, including data backups and scheduled time to go offline so business operations aren't impacted. You should work with your IT team to ensure you have a checklist of the necessary tasks and the contact information of everyone involved to ensure a successful move.

Ask for support on your first day in the new space
The first day in a new office is exciting but it can be stressful as well. Chances are something will go wrong, but hopefully nothing that impacts your ability to complete work. It is a good idea to ask your IT department to be prepared for a variety of issues on your first day in the new space.

Your IT team is an essential part of your organizations operations. They can help you with strategic planning, project work, and end-user support to ensure your organization is operating successfully and meeting your goals. If you have any questions about how our team of IT experts can help you with an office move or other IT project, please contact us.

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